The Story Behind the Poem: The Portal

      Bill visited me in June 2020. I thought that he was planning to officially propose but when he didn't I thought perhaps he couldn't afford a ring. So, since I was concerned he'd leave without doing it, I asked him. He got very angry with me and it seemed that he had a lot of considerations on rings and didn't want to have anything to do with them. He said that men and women are from different galaxies, not just different planets and that mine was far, far away. We settled this all out and I asked him if I could buy my own ring. He said sure. So I did that and the wedding ring, as well. I actually found a Scientology Marriage Service which didn't include anything about a ring! I reconsidered whether I wanted to marry him for a bit! But I did. I found rings at a very good price online and have worn them ever since. I wrote this poem as my response to his communication. In it I mention "magic always comes in threes" which I believe is from a book I loved as a child called "Knight's Castle". The idea of a door between worlds is one frequently found in Science Fiction and Fantasy books and movies (most recently Outlander is an example.) I first encountered this idea in the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis. The three keys here are basically agreement, love and communication, based on the data about Affinity, Reality and Communication in the works of L. Ron Hubbard. So magic, science fiction and religious philosophy come together in this poem. We haven't had a fight since this one!

The Portal          (written 18 Jun 2020)

Men and women come

From different planets

You say

And mine is in

a galaxy

Far far away.

I hear you talking

Loud and clear

You say there's no

Agreement here

But I've read the books

I know the score

I know somewhere

There is a door

A portal cross that

Deep divide

A door to lead me

To your side

Old magic says

The keys are three

If I can find them

I'll be

Across that space

And next to thee

the first I find

Is willingness

I must agree with

More or less

Whatever you might

Do or be

It has to be okay 

With me

The next is love

And that I share

A vast abundance

Always there

The first and most

Important thing


that I bring

With it the walls

Will all dissolve

With it alone our

Troubles solve

I have the keys

I'm at the door

Will you meet me

Forever more?


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